Tuesday 7 February 2012

Reports Servers Fail to Start and Stay In "Init" Status

This error commonly occurs only in Windows 2003 SP2 environment 
Oracle software details - Oracle 10g AS         

When we tried to start the report server from command line the report server didn't start and stayed in the INIT status for a long time. When we tried to start the report server through rwserver.exe we saw the report server starting and shutting down intermittently and then dies after the maximum retry operations

Places to check –

"-One of the following environment variables is pointing to a directory name that contains spaces (e.g:C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\oracle\Local Settings\Temp ):
Or :
-The directory ""%ORACLE_HOME%\bin"" is not the first entry in the PATH environment variable (%ORACLE_HOME% in this case is the oracle home for the Middle Tier on which the report server exists).1)-Open the Windows registry and navigate to the following key:


where n is the number of the ORACLE_HOME containing the installation.(You can find the ORACLE key name in the file <ORACLE_HOME>\bin\oracle.key)

-Then ,edit REPORTS_TMP and set the value to a valid directory without spaces for example: ""c:\temp"" .

Reference Doc - Reports Servers Fail to Start and Stay In "Init" Status [ID 579980.1]           

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