Tuesday 7 February 2012

fatal error the application will terminate while installing/upgrading the Oracle weblogic release 10.3.X.X

We faced a strange issues while installing Oracle Web logic  10.3.3/10.3.4 in Windows 2008 R2 OS, the weblogic fails with fatal error the application will terminate. 

We appended the  - log & -log_priority options along to debug the issue. 

An example of command is given below: 

C:\Oracle\Softwares> java -jar <weblogic.jar> -log=weblog_inst.log -log_priority=debug

executing the above command will lead to the GUI, once the installation fails check the error logs created to resolve the issues.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative time at java.io.File.setLastModified(File.java:1258) at com.bea.plateng.common.util.Touch.touchFile(Touch.java:99) at com.bea.plateng.common.util.Touch.touchFile(Touch.java:96) at com.bea.plateng.common.util.Touch.touch(Touch.java:79) at com.bea.plateng.wizard.silent.tasks.TouchTask.execute(TouchTask.java:268) at com.bea.plateng.wizard.silent.tasks.AbstractSilentTask.run(AbstractSilentTask.java:28) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)            Date was changed 2554 year to 2011(check OS sys date)

The possible reasons behind the errors are 

1) Date can be changed to a higher  value say 2554 year instead of 2011 (check OS system date)
2) Check the Date language settings which might be set to regional languages instead of English, here in my customer environment it's been set to THAI.

We change the Date settings to English to overcome the issue. 

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