Tuesday 7 February 2012

Intermittent FRM-92101 Error while accessing the application

Oracle 10g AS to 

Intermittent FRM-92101 Error while accessing the application, this is due to the HTTP_Server OPMN process re-starts itself. 

Use the command opmnctl status -l to check the uptime of the Oracle OPMN processes, you can observe the time difference between the HTTP and other Oracle processes like DSA, OC4J. 

HTTP_Server ias-component restarts intermittently, displaying the following errors in the ipm.log found under $O_H/opmn/log folder

11/01/02 08:36:42 [4] Starting Process: HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~1 (1165033639:0)
11/01/02 08:36:44 [4] Process Alive: HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~1 (1165033639:9604)
11/01/02 09:24:24 [4] [libopmnohs] Process Ping Failed: HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~1 (1165033639:9604) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
11/01/02 09:25:15 [4] [libopmnohs] Process Ping Failed: HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~1 (1165033639:9604) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
11/01/02 09:26:06 [4] [libopmnohs] Process Ping Failed: HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~1 (1165033639:9604) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
11/01/02 09:26:06 [4] [libopmnohs] Process Unreachable: HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~HTTP_Server~1 (1165033639:9604)"   

Follow the metalink document OPMN Frequently Restarts HTTP_Server After Ping Failed [ID 553564.1] to overcome the frequent HTTP_server restart issue. 

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